After an exciting day exploring Busan,
come back to your room to relax in a spa tub showcasing the beautiful Haeundae beach.






Room Details

  • Bed Type


  • Occupancy

    2 Adults

  • View Type

    Ocean View

  • Room Composition

    1 bedroom /
    1 bathroom

  • Room Size


  • Check-In / Check-Out

    15:00 / 11:00

Complimentary Services

  • Expansive ocean views
  • Free Express Wi-Fi
  • Business Center
  • Free Parking

In-Room Amenities

  • Room
    • Flat Screen Television
    • Mini-bar / Tea pot
    • Desk
    • Telephone
  • Bathroom
    • Wash Basin / Bidet Toilet
    • Toiletries / Slippers
    • Bathrobe / Hair-Dryer
  • Others
    • Satellite TV Channels
    • Complimentary Water Bottles
    • Coffee & Teabags
    • Clothes Brush

In a quiet and private space,
We always provide the best condition.

Additional Information

  • Check In : 3:00 PM / Check Out : 11:00 AM
  • Tax are included in room rates.
  • All rooms are non smoking.
  • No pets are allowed in hotel rooms.
  • Any use of fire hazardous material is extremely prohibited in all hotel area.
  • Sticking any kind of ornament within hotel room is prohibited.
  • Guests will be charged for a damage or loss of equipments in hotel room.

Changes or cancellations of reservation

Peak Season (Full months of 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12/24, 12/31)
  • 5 days prior to reservation : minimum 20% of first night's charge.
  • 4 days prior to reservation : minimum 50% of first night's charge.
  • Within 3 days prior to reservation / No-Show : 100% of total room fee.
  • Changes and cancellations made by 7 days prior to reservation is free.
  • If you cancel or change your booking 2-5days before check-in date, you'll be charged according to the above regulations.
Off Season (Period other than peak season)
  • 3 days prior to reservation : minimum 20% of first night's charge.
  • 2 days prior to reservation : minimum 50% of first night's charge.
  • Within 1 day prior to reservation / No-Show : minimum 100% of first night's charge.
  • Changes and cancellations made by 6:00 PM of 4 days prior to reservation is free.
  • If you cancel or change your reservation(Including No-Show) after the above refundable period, you'll be charged for the first night of your stay.